Iowa Lemon Law

We can help with Iowa Lemon Laws

Our firm has lawyers licensed in the State of Iowa who regularly litigate cases in the State of Iowa.

Iowa's Lemon Law protects consumers who have purchased a vehicle that does not meet certain quality and performance standards and does not conform to the warranty issued with the vehicle. Each state has their own lemon law specifications. The most common “lemon” laws only apply to cars and trucks that do not perform as expected by the consumer, however, there are similar consumer protections laws, similar to “lemon” laws that apply to most consumer products, like boats, ATVs, appliances, and other consumer products that come with a warranty at the time of purchase. Our firm may be able to assist you in obtaining a remedy for any consumer product that contains defects/ nonconformities that have not been repaired in a reasonable period of time.

Iowa's lemon law can be found here: Iowa Lemon Law Chapter 322G

How Do I know If My Vehicle Is A Lemon?

There are many factors that affect whether your vehicle qualifies under Iowa's Lemon Law. Contact us for a free five minute evaluation today.

What may qualify as a Lemon?

• If your vehicle has a defect the manufacturer or dealer(s) didn't fix in three tries (or one try if the defect is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury) within the first two (2) years after the date of the original delivery to you or the first 24,000 miles, or
• If your vehicle has one or more defects that prevent you from using it for 20 days or more (the 20 days could be spread out over the first two years or 24,000 miles).

Please keep in mind that even if your vehicle does not qualify under the strict elements of Iowa's Lemon Law, there are other remedies our law firm can help you achieve at no cost to you. Please contact us to discuss all the unique aspects of your case, at no charge to you, to see if we can help you achieve a remedy for your vehicle defects.

Does my car need to be new for a Lemon Law case?

No, it may be used, but it must be with 24 months of being new. Regardless, contact us to discuss the unique aspects of your defective vehicle. Other laws provide similar remedies for vehicles that are used, so long as the repair attempts on the vehicle are made while the vehicle is under its original manufacturer's warranty.

Get a free case review

If you have a 2019 or newer vehicle, please complete the form below for a FREE case evaluation.

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